58th Annual
Vancouver Island
Basketball Championships
Alberni Secondary -- February
28 to March 1, 2008

Game 10
March 1, 2008
start time: 11:30 a.m.
start time: 11:29 a.m.
Carihi - N4 Winner
Game 5 vs
Cowichan - N1
Loser Game 8
Jeff Miller (Courtenay) &
Jamie Clegg
Quarter: 6-15 Cowichan
Quarter: 9-16 Cowichan = 15-31
Quarter: 18-13 Carihi =
33-44 Cowichan
Quarter: 10-19 Cowichan =
43-63 Cowichan
Score: 43-63 Cowichan
Carihi is eliminated
Scorers for Carihi:
Bobby Elias 17
Scorers for Cowichan:
Steve McKinnon 14
Bonar 12
:00 to go - Cowichan wins 63-43
:32 to go - Chris Smith fouled hits both from the line -
Cowichan 63-43
1:14 to go - Chris Smith at the line Makes the 2nd -
Cowichan 61-43
1:33 to go - Kevin Brown at the line hits one - Cowichan
1:45 to go - Kline at the line hits both - Cowichan 60-42
1:59 to go - Elias with a hit from the free throw line 1/2
- Cowichan 58-42
1:59 to go - Timeout Cowichan
2:20 to go - Carihi hits a three - Cowichan 58-41
2:52 to go - Kneen hits a close jumper - Cowichan 58-38
3:50 to go - Carihi with a bucket - Cowichan 56-38
4:05 to go - Binnersley fouls Kneen - He hits one -
Cowichan 56-36
4:20 to go - Mckinnon with a foul his 4th
6:00 to go - Cowichan with a bucket - Cowichan 55-36
6:17 to go - Jackman commits his 4th foul
6:40 to go - Timeout Carihi
6:40 to go - Bonar with the trifecta - cowichan 53-36
7:00 to go - mckinnon with a bucket - Cowichan 50-36
7:37 to go - Weisner with a transition layup - Cowichan
7:51 to go - Timeout Cowichan
8:18 to go - Chris Smith fouls Elias and hits one -
Cowichan 46-36
8:39 to go - Matt Mclaughlin fouls Mckinnon - hits both -
Cowichan 46-35
8:59 to go - Roberts fouls Kline and Roberts is fouled out
9:29 to go - Jackman with a putback - Cowichan 44-35
Cowichan to start with ball at the fourth
:4 to go - Elias at the line misses both
:11 to go - Roberts with a fouls Kline with both from the
line - Cowichan 44-33
:22 to go - Elias hits a running t- line shot - Cowichan
:42 to go - Schmit has commited an offensive fouls he fouls
:59 to go - Roberts hits one from the line - Cowichan 42-31
1:07 to go - Rulon Schmit hits a three - Cowichan 42- 30
1:39 to go - Weisner called for a foul- Brent Smith hits
one - Cowichan 39-30
2:10 to go - Schmit fouls - Jackman hits two from the line
- Cowichan 39-29
2:54 to go - Elias gets called for the offensive his first
4:01 to go - Roberts at the line makes the second -
Cowichan 39-27
5:10 to go - Xavier Amos at the line makes both - Cowichan
5:22 to go - McKinnon commited his 3 personal foul- Jackman
at the line - makes one - Cowichan 37-24
5:43 to go - Weisner with a transition bucket
6:04 to go - weisner gets fouled as he rebounds on the
offensive side
6:30 to go - Elias with a bucket - Cowichan 35-22
7:20 to go - Carihi with a bucket- Cowichan 35-20
7:22 to go - Jackman fouls Mckinnon - makes one - Cowichan
8:02 to go - Elias hits a three- Carihi 34-18
8:35 to go - Perrault fouls McKinnon- makes 1 - Cowichan
9:02 to go - Weiser opens the third with a lay up -
Cowichan 33-15
Carihi begins with the ball at the start of the third
:00 to go - Cowichan leads 31-15 at the half; Jeff Bonar
leads all scores with 9 points
:50 to go - Elias with a baseline triple and a foul- makes
the free throw 4 point play - Cowichan 31-19
2:36 to go - Bonar with another three- Cowichan 27-11
3:14 to go - Timeout Carihi
3:14 to go - Jeff Bonar with a trifecta- Cowichan 24-11
3:45 to go - Jeklin with a foul line jumper - Cowichan
4:46 to go - Carihi starts pressing
5:25 to go - Weisner fouls Devin Perrault - makes 1 -
Cowichan 19-11
6:02 to go - Kneen with a foul - Jackman shooting - hits
both - Cowichan 19-10
6:09 to go - Callum Jackman fouls Weisner - misses both
6:46 to go - Kline with a breakaway bucket - Cowichan 19-8
7:15 to go - Elias with a leaner- no call
7:47 to go - Mckinnon takes the charge Cowichan ball
9:15 to go - Andrew Jenklin with a baseline bucket -
Cowichan 17-8
9:37 to go - Smith fouls Bobby Elias at the line makes both
- Cowichan 15-8
Cowichan starts with ball in the second
:00 to go - Cowichan leads 15-6
:40 to go - Rulon Schmit with a jumper- Cowichan 15-6
1:16 to go - Cowichan in bonus- hits one - Cowichan 13-6
1:16 to go - Timeout Carihi
1:16 to go - Kevin Brown fouls on the floor
2:35 to go - Ben Kneen at the line hits both - Cowichan
2:50 to go - Brent Smith with a hoop for Carihi - Cowichan
3:19 to go - Smith get fouled and hits one- Cowichan 10-4
3:43 to go - McKinnon with another good move with a hook-
Cowichan 9-4
4:03 to go - Binnersley fouled - makes one - Cowichan 7-4
4:30 to go - Mckinnon with a hook shot- Cowichan 7-3
4:53 to go - McKinnon fouls Binnersley - misses both
5:15 to go - Jordan Weisner with a lay up
5:45 to go - James Binnersley with the offensive foul
6:08 to go - Brown with a foul on the floor
6:30 to go - Kline with a break away miss
7:11 to go - Chris Kline with a foul
7:20 to go - Ben Kneen with a foul
7:35 to go - Nelson Roberts fouls Steven McKinnon - hits
one - tied 3-3
9:00 to go - Kevin Brown with the three- Carihi 3-2
9:23 to go - Chris Smith with a lay in - Cowichan 2-0
Carihi gets possession of
the opening tip