Text Box: Game 3
Thursday March 1, 2007
Scheduled start time: 6:30 p.m.
Actual start time: 6:32  p.m.

Belmont (Victoria) South #2  vs
Cowichan (Duncan) North #3

Referees:  Mike Lee (Victoria) & Richard Clouthier (Nanaimo)

1st Quarter:          6-14 Cowichan
2nd Quarter:         12-16 Cowichan = 18-30 Cowichan
3rd Quarter:          10-14 Cowichan = 28-44 Cowichan
4th Quarter:          16-22 Cowichan = 44-66 Cowichan

Final Score:      66-44 Cowichan

High Scorers for Cowichan:
Ben Kneen 19

Nick Peruzzo 13

Jordan Crocker 12

High Scorers for Belmont:
Davidson St. Paul 14

Running score:
Final Score - 67-44 Cowichan

:07 to go - Cowichan goes 1 for 2 from the line - 67-44 Cowichan
:45 to go - Belmont goes to the line and is 1 for 2 - 64-44 Cowichan
2:38 to go - Belmont completes the 3 point play - 64-43 Cowichan
2:55 to go - Cowichan hits a three - 64-40 Cowichan
4:12 to go - Belmont goes 1 for 2 from the line - 59-40 Cowichan
4:13 to go - Cowichan misses the and 1 free throw - 59-39 Cowichan
4:32 to go - Belmont hits a trey - 57-39 Cowichan
4:54 to go - Cowichan time out called
5:06 to go - Belmont hits a 3 - 57-36 Cowichan
6:39 to go - Time out called, Belmont goes 0 for 1 from the foul line - 53-33 Cowichan
7:01 to go - Cowichan goes 2 for 2 from the line - 53-33 Cowichan
7:55 to go - Nick Peruzzo completes the 3-point play - 49-31 Cowichan
8:23 to go - Belmont hits a three - 46-31 Cowichan
9:11 to go - Cowichan scores - 46-28 Cowichan
3r Quarter - 44-28 Cowichan
1:13 to go - Cowichan goes 1 for 2 from the line - 44-28 Cowichan
1:39 to go - Belmont scores - 43-28 Cowichan
2:47 to go - Technical Foul Cowichan, Dallas Cullen goes 2 for 2 from the line - 43-26 Cowichan
2:47 to go - Time out Cowichan
3:30 to go - Cowichan hits two - 43-24 Cowichan
4:18 to go - Time out called Cowichan - 39-24 Cowichan
5:29 to go - Belmont hits 1 for 2 from the line - 37-24 Cowichan
6:18 to go - Belmont hits a trey - 37-23 Cowichan
7:35 to go - 35-20 Cowichan
9:05 to go - Belmont opens the half with a basket - 30-20 Cowichan
Half time - 30-18 Cowichan
:46 to go - Cowichan goes 1 for 2 from the line - 30-16 Cowichan
1:45 to go - Belmont scores - 29-14 Cowichan
2:09 to go - Belmont time out - 29-12 Cowichan
2:33 to go - Cowichan hits a 3 - 27-12 Cowichan
3:58 to go - Time out called Belmont - 22-12 Cowichan
4:37 to go - Belmont scores - 20-12 Cowichan
5:58 to go - Belmont goes 0 for 2 from the line - 18-10 Cowichan
6:38 to go - Belmont converts for two - 16-10 Belmont
7:37 to go - Cowichan hits a basket - 16-8 Cowichan
9:35 to go - Davidson of Belmont misses on and 1 opportunity - 14-8 Cowichan
1st Quarter - 14 - 6 Cowichan
:47 to go - Huge rejection by Nick Peruzzo of Cowichan
1:15 to go - Cowichan basket - 14-6 Cowichan
2:58 to go - Belmont basket - 12-6 Cowichan
3:18 to go - Cowichan basket - 12-4 Cowichan
4:02 to go - Time out called by Belmont - 10-4 Cowichan
4:52 to go - Cowichan scores - 10-4 Cowichan
7:30 to go - Cowichan scores - 4-4 tie game
7:47 to go - Cowichan misses the 3 point play - 4-2 Belmont
8:10 to go - Belmont with another layup - 4-0 Belmont
9:52 to go - Belmont opens the game - 2-0 Belmont