59th Annual Vancouver Island
"AAA" Boys' Basketball
Feb. 26-28, 2009 - Mt. Douglas Secondary, Victoria BC
Game 8
Friday Feb. 27, 2009
Scheduled start time: 8:15 p.m.
Actual start time: 8:32 p.m.
Semi-final #2
Cowichan - N1 Winner Game 2
Belmont - S2 Winner Game 3
Referees: Rich Clouthier
Geoff Sing
1st Quarter: Cowichan 16-10 3rd Quarter: Tied 16-16
2nd Quarter: Belmont 11-13 4th Quarter: Cowichan 19-14
1st half: Cowichan 27-23 2nd half: Cowichan 35-30
Final Score:  62-53 Cowichan
High scorers for Cowichan:
Steve McKinnon 21
Jordan Pendlebury 18
High scorers for Belmont:
Evan Verdel 14
Cody Baylis 10
Running Score:
:00 - Cowichan advances to the final vs Dover Bay
Verdel is blocked by Schmidt 
:10 - Kline nails both - CowHi 62-53
:10 - Pendlebury blocks Baylis - Baylis fouls Kline
:18 - Kline fouls Shilling
:21 - Time-out - Cowichan leading 60-53
:21 - Verdel hustles after a loose ball - Cowichan player slides after it but is out of bounds
:21 - McKinnon get his own board as it's going out of bounds - teammate turns it over
:26 - McKinnon rebounds the missed foul shot - Burles fouls (his 5th) - McKinnon makes 1
:28 - Belmont misses - fouls Pendlebury - misses both
:36 - Hobden makes 1 of 2 for Cowichan - CowHi 59-53
Cowichan has the ball - foul on LeQuesne - Cowichan shoots bonus
CowHi 58-53
:38 - Time-out
:38 - McKinnon misses a 3 as the 30 runs down - Cowichan boards the miss - Belmont fouls
1:12 - Baylis misses a three - Burles fouls the boarder
1:29 - Turnover Cowichan
1:38 to go
Shilling steals a cross court pass and goes coast to coast for a lay-up - CowHi 58-53
Belmont comes right back and scores - CowHi 58-51
2:39 - McKinnon loses the handle - goes to Marmaras who puts it in for 2 
Belmont deflects out of bounds as Cowichan moves up court
After the time-out, Cowichan has the ball under their hoop
CowHi 56-49
3:14 - Baylis to Shilling to LeQuesne to the bottom of the hoop - Time-out Cowichan
Belmont ties it up - possession Belmont
Belmont steals it - Shilling in transition - CowHi 56-47
Burles gets them both to fall - CowHi 56-45
4:20 - Baylis makes a great move but misses - Burles boards and is fouled - shoots 2
Pendlebury for 2 - CowHi 56-43
Belmont misses a 3 - Cowichan boards
LeQuesne looses the handle on the ball - it bounces off McKinnon out of bounds
5:25 - Schmidt nails a 3 - Belmont calls time-out - Cowichan up 54-43
5:49 - Verdel drives hard to the hoop - is called for a charge
Belmont misses - Cowichan boards - Shilling steals the ball
Pendlebury misses - Belmont boards
Foul on Baylis - his 3rd
Belmont answers - 51-43
Pendlebury under the hoop for 2 - CowHi 51-41
Verdel misses while attacking the hoop - Cowichan boards
Teams trade buckets - CowHi 49-41
Pendlebury under the hoop for 2 - CowHi 47-39
Parten with a HUGE effort to get the ball going out of bounds - but the ball goes to Cowichan
Baylis airs out a three
Pendlebury under the hoop for 2 - CowHi 45-39
Cowichan starts the 3rd with the ball
:00 - Cowichan misses a centre court shot at the buzzer - CowHi 43-39
:03 - Conway-Jones completes the 'and 1' cutting the Cowichan lead to 43-39
:27 - Marc Castro hits one for Cowichan - CowHi 43-36
:27 - Verdel misses a shot on the break - fouls the rebounder
1:05 - Cowichan fouls on the offensive glass - Parten shooting 2 - makes both - CowHi 42-36
1:06 - Chris Kline fouled - hits one - CowHi 42-34
McKinnon misses - Belmont doesn't - CowHi 41-34
Belmont misses - hacked again - Parten called for the push on the rebound
Cowichan misses
Verdel gets hacked going to the hoop - no call
Baylis misses a three - Parten dives and gets dirty going after a loose ball - possession Belmont
Cowichan turns it over
Belmont misses
Cowichan boards the missed foul shot - misses and is called for the foul on the boards
Coming out of the time-out, McKinnon is shooting 2 for Cowichan - hits one - CowHi 41-32
3:38 - Belmont Matt Parten is called for a foul - Time-out Belmont - CowHi up 40-32
Verdel with a defensive board - attacks the hoop - turns it over
McKinnon for 2 more for Cowichan - CowHi 40-32
Verdel air-balls a 3 - Shilling boards it - Verdel air-balls a 3 for a 30-second violation
5:06 - Burles fouls McKinnon hard - McKinnon drains both - CowHi 38-32
Belmont is called for travelling
Cowichan Dan Hobden for 3 from the 45 - CowHi 36-32
Belmont turns it over
6:05 - Cowichan comes right back for 2 - Cowichan 33-32
6:18 - Cowichan misses at the buzzer of the 30 - Verdel gets, and make, the 'and 1' on the break
Pendlebury for 2 under the hoop - CowHi 31-29
Baylis for 3 from the corner to tie it at 29
Pendlebury boards it and loses it out of bounds
7:46 - Burles fouls Schmidt - Schmidt misses both
7:55 - Verdel fights to get to the hoop and is fouled - shooting 2 - makes 1 - CowHi 29-26
Pendlebury for 2 under the hoop - CowHi 29-25
Belmont miss - Cowichan boards
Cowichan turnover, Cowichan foul
Cowichan turnover, Belmont turnover, Cowichan turnover, Verdel 2 on the break - CowHi 27-25
Cowichan starts with the ball
:00 - Cowichan runs out of time and does not get a shot off - CowHi 27-23 at the half
:08 - Time-out Cowichan
:08 - Verdel turns it over while ball handling in the key
:13 - 5 seconds left on the 30 - Belmont's ball out of bounds
Burles boards for Belmont
:39 - Verdel is fouled - hits 1 - CowHi 27-23
:56 - Turnover Cowichan
Shilling misses - McKinnon boards
Foul on Cowichan
Belmont for 2 under the hoop - CowHi 27-22
Cowichan's Nick Marmaras with a baby-hook shot from 6' - CowHi 27-20
Shilling called for travel in the key
2:33 - McKinnon is fouled - hits both the shots - CowHi 25-20
Baylis called for a charge - his 2nd personal
Shilling for 3 - CowHi 23-20
McKinnon for 2 - CowHi 23-17
With time on the 30 running out, Baylis turns it over
Verdel with another turnover - tie up - possession Belmont
Travelling called on Cowichan's Matt Cossey
LeQuesne nearly makes a great circus shot lay-up
5:14 - Belmont deflects the ball out of bounds
5:16 - Time-out Belmont
McKinnon misses twice - boards them both - kicks it out the 2nd time
Belmont for 3 - CowHi - 21-17
6:03 - Foul on Cowichan's Matt Cossey
Cowichan comes right back for 2 of their own - 21-14
Steal by Verdel - feeds a streaking Shilling for 2 - 19-14
Belmont's Jeff Conway-Jones boards it then turns it over
Baylis air-balls a 3 from the corner
Turnover by Shilling on the break
McKinnon with another board
Schmidt called for a push while rebounding his miss
Dan Hobden drains a 3 - CowHi 19-12
Burles for 2 for Belmont - CowHi 16-12
Turnover Cowichan
2nd quarter starts with Cowichan inbounding
Score may be low but the action has been end-to-end 
After one quarter - Cowichan leads 16-10
Chris LeQuesne misses a 3 from the right hand corner at the end of the 1st
Chris LeQuesne followed by Burles both get blocks for Belmont 
:48 - Verdel fouls in the scrum for the loose ball after his miss
:53 - Verdel is fouled going to the hoop - shooting 2 - misses both
1:01 - Cowichan's Chris Kline banks in a trey from the top of the key - Cowichan 16-10
Cowichan misses - boards - misses - boards - misses - boards - kicks it out and works it around
Belmont foul
Shilling with a turnover on the drive
2:23 - Jarryd Burles gets 2 for Belmont - is fouled - misses the shot - CowHi 13-10
2:46 - 30-second violation on Cowichan
Belmont's David Shilling puts up and off-balance 15' jumper - Cowichan rebounds
Belmont pressing - McKinnon scores in transition - CowHi 13-8
Verdel shooting 2 - makes both - CowHi 11-8
3:59 - Foul on Cowichan
Baylis with a steal
Belmont's Cody Baylis for 3 - CowHi 11-6
McKinnon fouled - shooting 2 - hits one - CowHi 11-3
Cowichan miss - Belmont miss - board by McKinnon
Turnover Belmont - missed shot Cowichan - board Belmont - missed shot Belmont
Rulon Schmidt misses for Cowichan - McKinnon boards
McKinnon again under the hoop for Cowichan - CowHi 10-3
Verdel with another turnover
McKinnon is fouled - hits both the shots - CowHi 8-3
Pendlebury on the offensive glass
Belmont for 3 - CowHi - 6-3
Cowichan's Steve McKinnon for 2
Pendlebury on the defensive glass
As the 30 expires - Pendlebury gets the rebounds and muscles it up for 2 more
Cowichan strikes 1st - Jordan Pendlebury with 2 under the hoop
Belmont wins the tip - Belmont's Evan Verdel turns it over