58th Annual
Vancouver Island
Basketball Championships
Alberni Secondary -- February
28 to March 1, 2008

Game 2
February 28, 2008
start time: 4:00 p.m.
start time: 4:03 p.m.
Dover Bay - N2 vs
Belmont - S3
Brad Smith (Courtenay) &
Mike Lee (Victoria)
Quarter: 18-16 Dover Bay
Quarter: 8-17 Belmont = 26-33
Quarter: 14-16 Belmont =
40-49 Belmont
Quarter: 21-22 Belmont =
61-71 Belmont
Score: 71-61 Belmont
Scorers for Dover Bay:
Blake Mansbridge
Alex Mayer 11
Mike Corcoran 11
Scorers for Belmont:
Alex Sadowski 23
Cody Baylis 16
Craig LeQuesne 12
:00 to go - Belmont victorious with a
final score of 71-61
:24 to go - Dover Bay
calls their last timeout
:24 to go - Dover Bay jump
shot two. 67-59 Belmont
:41 to go - Belmont's
LeQuesne hits both shots.
:41 to go - Timeout
:41 to go - Dover Bay
shooting 2. Belmont #14 Tristan Hall fouls out. Makes both. Belmont 64-57
1:17 to go - Belmont back
to the stripe. Miss both.
1:21 to go - Belmont at
the line hits 1 gets the offensive board. 63-55
1:33 to go - Dover Bay for
2. Belmont in the lead 62-55. Dover Bay #3 Alex Mayer fouls out
2:03 to go - Dover Bay
three. Sadowski the other way for 2. Belmont 62-53
2:34 to go - Timeout Dover
2:34 to go - Belmont
answers with a trey of their own. Lead 60-50
3:01 to go - Dover Bay
Mayer hits a three. Belmont 57-50
4:09 to go - Sadowski
answers straight back. Belmont 57-47
4:39 to go - Dover Bay
Mayer to the line for three shots. Converts 2 of 3. Belmont still leads 55-47
4:50 to go - Dover Bay # 24
Kasey Hepner fouls out
6:18 to go - Easy basket
Sadowski. Belmont 55-45
7:34 to go - Timeout Belmont
7:34 to go - Hoop and harm
Dover Bay
on Sadowski's fourth foul. Hits
the 1 to make score 53-45 Belmont
7:47 to go - Sadowski drops
in 2 more to give Belmont a 53-42 lead
8:41 to go - Time out
Dover Bay. Belmont 51-40
:00 to go - Belmont buzzer
beater three. They lead at quarter time 49-40
:04 to go - Dover
Bay gets the basket and the foul. Misses the shot. 46-40 Belmont
1:07 to go - Dover Bay's
Mayer picks up fourth. Both shots hit. Belmont 46-36
1:38 to go - Belmont 44-35
3:28 to go - Dover
Bay's Hepner picks up his fourth. Belmont 39-35
4:58 to go - Hepner
hits both free throws. Belmont 37-33
6:34 to go
Belmont 37-31
8:34 to go - Dover Bay's Manbridge for 3. Belmont 35-29
8:50 to go - Alex Mayer for Dover Bay picks up his 3rd
personal foul. Belmont misses both shots.
9:34 to go - Belmont with the fifth chance points. Belmont
winning 35-26
:00 to go - Belmont leads at halftime 33-26
:55 to go - Dover Bay timeout. Belmont 31-26
1:38 to go - Belmont answers straight back. Belmont 29-26
1:58 to go - Dover Bay hits both from the line to pull
within one 27-26
3:11 to go - Sadowski hits 1 of 2 from the line. Advantage
Belmont 27-24
3:25 to go - Dover Bay basket. Belmont 26-24
5:19 to go - Dover Bay timeout
5:19 to go - Belmont's #12 Craig LeQuesne gets the hoop and
the harm. Misses the foul shot. 26-22 Belmont
6:38 to go - Brad Galloway hits the running hook for 2.
Dover Bay answers straight back. Belmont 24-22
7:07 to go - Cody Baylis hits Belmont's second straight
three. Belmont takes lead 22-20
7:40 to go - Belmont answers with three. Dover Bay leads
8:08 to go - Dover Bay gets first points of the quarter.
20-16 Dover Bay
:00 to go - Dover Bay leads Belmont 18-16 at the end of the
1st quarter of play
:15 to go - Dover Bay retakes the lead
:48 to go - Cody Baylis his a trey for Belmont. Tied at 16
1:27 to go - Sadowski with 2 more for Belmont. Pulls the
Bulldogs with three 16-13
2:34 to go - Sadowski answers back for Belmont. 16-11 for
Dover Bay
3:15 to go - Two for Dover on the beautiful assist from
Corcoran. Dover Bay 16-9
3:50 to go - Sadowski picks up his first. Mike
Corcoran to the line. Drains both Dover Bay 14-9
4:35 to go - Blake Mansbridge jump shot for 2. Dover Bay
5:06 to go - Sadowksi to the line for Belmont. Sinks 1 to
pull his team within 1 10-9
5:26 to go - Dover Bay to the line for 2. Hits both to give
Dover the lead 10-8
5:49 to go - Dover Bay basket. Tied at 8
6:10 to go - Hepner for Dover Bay picks up his 2nd foul
6:30 to go - Sadowski hits the basket and 1. Belmont leads
7:15 to go - Dover jump shot for 2. Dover Bay 6-5
7:48 to go - Alex Sadowski for Belmont to the line for 2.
Misses both
8:11 to go - Belmont answers with 3. Belmont 5-4
8:30 to go - Hepner puts in 2 more. Dover Bay 4-2
8:43 to go - Belmont answers back. Tied at 2
9:00 to go - Kasey Hepner opens the scoring for Dover Bay.
Belmont fouls on tip. Dover Ball