Game 7 -
Semi-Final #1
March 2, 2007
start time: 6:30 p.m.
start time: 6:47 p.m.
(Courtenay) North #2
Game 1) vs
Oak Bay (Victoria) South #1)
Game 4)
Referees: Milojko Mustafovic (Victoria) & Richard Clouthier (Nanaimo)
Quarter: 15-11 Vanier
Quarter: 5-10 Oak Bay = 20-21
Oak Bay leads
Quarter: 10-10 tie = 30-31
Oak Bay leads
Quarter: 30-28 Vanier =
60-59 Vanier wins
Score: 60-59 Vanier - Vanier advances to the BCs!
Scorers for Vanier:
Nick Adair 25
Mike Greer 13
Simon Nessman 13
Scorers for Oak Bay:
Manny Pasquale 21
Reid Fraser 13
Final Score - 60-59 Vanier
:00 to go - Pasquale hits a runner from centre - 60-59
:02 to go - Greer hits 2 from the line - 60-56 Vanier
:02 to go - Time-out Oak Bay
:02 to go - Pasquale fouls Greer - Greer shooting 2
:03 to go - Pasquale for 2 - 58-56 Vanier
to go - Foul on Vanier - not shooting - only 6th team foul
:18 to go - Foul on Vanier - not shooting - only 5th team
:23 to go - Valeri goes 1 for 2 from the line - 58-54
:23 to go - Vanier gets the offensive board - Howatson
fouls Jay Valeri
to go - Adair at the line goes 1 for 2 - 57-54 Vanier
:32 to go - Pasquale hits all three - 56-54 Vanier
:32 to go - Pasquale fouled while shooting a trey
:40 to go - Prilbilsky fouls out when fouling Greer - Greer
goes 1 for 2 - 56-51
:42 to go - Howatson his a trey - 55-51 Vanier
:48 to go - Greer makes his 2nd shot - 55-48 Vanier
:48 to go - Greer misses his first - Oak Bay calls a
:48 to go - Greer at the line for Vanier
:55 to go - Prilbilsky gets a running lay-up - 54-48 Vanier
1:01 to go - Greer gets 1 of 2 - 54-46 Vanier
1:11 to go - Fraser for 2 - 53-46 Vanier
1:25 to go - Pasquale fouls Adair - Adair hits 2 from the
line - 53-44 Vanier
1:27 to go - Time-out Vanier
1:40 to go - Fraser with a put-back - 51-44 Vanier
1:53 to go - Travelling on Vanier
2:26 to go - Adair gets 1 of 2 from the line - 51-42 Vanier
2:26 to go - Time-out Oak Bay
2:26 to go - Prilbilsky misses - Fraser fouls Adair - Adair
shooting 2
3:08 to go - Pasquale from the corner for 2 - 50-42 Vanier
3:20 to go - Time-out Oak Bay
3:20 to go - Adair beats the triple team and finds the open
man for a lay-up - 50-40 Vanier
3:45 to go - Pasquale misses a trey from the corner
4:17 to go - Adair hits them both - 48-40 Vanier
4:27 to go -
fouls Adair - Adair shooting 2
5:15 to go - Adair makes them both - 46-40 Vanier
5:15 to go - Fraser fouls Adair - Adair shooting 2
5:44 to go - Pasquale steal the ball and runs the floor for
a 3-point play - 44-40 Oak Bay
6:09 to go - Time-out Oak Bay
6:25 to go - Oak Bay misses a trey and Mike Greer races the
length of the floor for a lay-up - 44-37 Oak Bay
6:44 to go - Adair hits them both - 42-37 Vanier
6:44 to go - Fraser gets blocked by Adair and then fouls
Adair sending him to the other end of the floor for 2
7:02 to go - Time-out Oak Bay
7:03 to go - Nessman for Vanier followed by and Oak Bay
turnover and another Vanier bucket - 40-37 Vanier
7:35 to go - Fraser with another put-back - 37-36 Oak Bay
7:53 to go - Adair nails the both to give Vanier the lead
back - 36-35 Vanier
7:53 to go - Howatson fouls Adair - Adair shooting 2 for
8:40 to go - Vanier answers back - 35-34 Oak Bay
8:53 to go - Prilbilsky with a nice dish to Fraser for 2 -
35-32 Oak Bay
9:08 to go - Vanier for 2 - 33-32 Oak Bay
9:37 to go - Fraser with a put-back - 33-30 Oak Bay
3rd Quarter - 31-30 Oak Bay
:16 to go - Grant for Oak Bay gives them the lead again -
31-30 Oak Bay
:43 to go - Loose ball on the floor - players dive - Vanier
player get it and calls a time-out
1:04 to go - Rushton goes 1 of 2 from the line - 30-29
1:04 to go - Rushton attacks the hoop - is
fouled - at the line shooting 2
2:25 to go - Rushton on the break - 30-28 Vanier
2:50 to go - Pasquale for 2 - 30-26 Vanier
3:05 to go - Adair gets 1 of 2 - 30-24 Vanier
3:05 to go - Jones with his 3rd personal - Adair at the
line shooting 2
3:27 to go - Travel on Howatson
3:30 to go - Foot-ball on Vanier
4:00 to go - Howatson goes 1 for 2 for the line for Oak bay
- 29-24 Vanier
4:06 to go - Vanier for 2 - 29-23 Vanier
4:23 to go - Howatson blocks a Vanier player - ball goes
out of bounds
4:43 to go - Adair knocks an offensive rebound out of
5:15 to go - Jones with a steal for Oak Bay
6:00 to go - Howatson for 2 - 27-23 Vanier
6:22 to go - Adair with 2 from the line - 27-21 Vanier
6:22 to go - Pasquale with another foul
7:02 to go - Jones knocks the ball away - Pasquale recovers
loose ball
7:19 to go - Pasquale with a foul
7:33 to go - Rushton called for a charge - 3rd personal
7:55 to go - Adair for 2 inside - 25-21 Vanier
8:20 to go - Turnover Pasqaule
9:02 to go - After both teams trade misses - Vanier scores
on the break and is fouled - 23-21 Vanier
Half-time - 21-20 Oak Bay
:50 to go - Manny Pasquale nails a trey to give Oak Bay
it's first lead of the game - 21-20 Oak Bay
1:19 to go - Fraser at the line shooting two - hits them
both - 20-18 Vanier
1:19 to go - Adair called for "over the back" - his 3rd
personal foul
2:00 to go - Both teams trade misses
2:35 to go - Both teams trade turnovers
3:33 to go - Vanier gets 1 of 2 from the line - 20-16
3:46 to go - Fraser gets 1 of 2 - 19-16 Vanier
3:46 to go - Fraser at the line shooting 2 for Oak Bay
4:04 to go - Both teams continue to trade misses
5:00 to go - Both teams trade misses
6:05 to go - Oak Bay for two more - 19-15 Vanier
6:22 to go - Vanier answers back - 19-13 Vanier
6:50 to go - Scott Grant nails a long jumper for Oak Bay -
17-13 Vanier
7:26 to go - Time-out Oak Bay
7:26 to go - Jones called for an offensive foul
7:57 to go - Jones turns it over for Oak Bay - 17-11 Vanier
8:45 to go - Oak Bay's Scott Metcalf fouls Adair - Adair
misses the front end of a 1-and-1
9:23 to go - Fraser fouls Adair - Adair at the line and
makes both - 17-11 Vanier
9:42 to go - Oak Bay throws the ball away
9:57 to go - Vanier inbounds the ball - Oak Bay ties it up
right away - Oak Bay ball
1st Quarter - 15-11 Vanier
:15 to go - Vanier playing for last shot
:45 to go - Adair misses the front end of 1-and-1
1:12 to go - Fraser missed them both - 15-11 Vanier
1:12 to go - Reid Fraser at the line shooting 2 for Oak Bay
2:08 to go - Time-out Oak Bay
2:35 to go - Howatson with a 15' baseline jumper - 15-9
2:50 to go - Adair get them both - 15-7 Vanier
2:50 to go - Marc Howatson fould Adair - Adair at the line
shooting 2
3:03 to go - Prilbilsky get's his 2nd foul
3:33 to go - Adair gets to on an end play - 13-7 Vanier
3:36 to go - Jones fouls Adair in the post
4:27 to go - Prilbilsky hits them both - 11-7 Vanier
4:27 to go - Prilbilsky is fouled and at the line shooting
4:47 to go - Foul Oak Bay's Kevin Prilbilsky
5:05 to go - Oak Bay's Eliot Rushton for 2 - 11-5 Vanier
5:55 to go - Dylan Jones gets 1 of 2 from the line for Oak
Bay - 11-3 Vanier
6:00 to go - Nessman again - 11-2 Vanier
6:15 to go - Manny Pasquale breaks the goose egg for Oak
Bay - 9-3 Vanier
6:25 to go - 9-0 Vanier
7:14 to go - Nick Adair gets 1 of 2 from the line - 7-0
8:15 to go - Mike Greer for Vanier - 6-0 Vanier
8:55 to go - Nessman scores again - 4-0 Vanier
9:57 to go - Vanier's Simon Nessman wins the tip and scores