December 22-25, 2012
Very defensive oriented first half as Miami holds a 2-point lead at 23-21.
Not a great game as neither team is shooting well.
Tied at 49 going into overtime.
Jake Odum hit the winner with a up-and-under bank-shot from the right elbow.
Very poor shooting game for both teams. State was 17-63 for 27% compared to a slightly better Miami 22-65 for 33.8%. Miami killed themselves at the foul-line shooing 11-21 for 52.4% where State shot a very strong 94.4% missing only one shot at 17-18.
Final score: IS 57-55 MI in Overtime
Indiana State:
RJ Mahurn - 13
Manny Arop - 13
Kenny Kadji - 13
Durand Scott - 12